05-19-2004, 05:43 AM -
I like this suggestion, this would come in very handy.
Just a couple of things though, Process Viewer is a TLB plugin, not a True Small Tool, so this topic would be more likely to reach the eyes that need/want to see it in the Plugins-> Suggestions forum. Also, unles I missed a release somewhere, Process Viewer is still in it's pre-beta stages ("technology demonstration" is what I think Yuri called it), so it's not very feature-rich at this point. It has the basic functionality and maybe a bell or whistle, but nothing unseen before. I would like to see features like you suggested added before the official release.
Just a couple of things though, Process Viewer is a TLB plugin, not a True Small Tool, so this topic would be more likely to reach the eyes that need/want to see it in the Plugins-> Suggestions forum. Also, unles I missed a release somewhere, Process Viewer is still in it's pre-beta stages ("technology demonstration" is what I think Yuri called it), so it's not very feature-rich at this point. It has the basic functionality and maybe a bell or whistle, but nothing unseen before. I would like to see features like you suggested added before the official release.