11-30-2004, 01:32 PM -
Doug Smith Wrote:The full version of True Launch Bar can do all that office short cut bar could do (and lots more). There is no need for such a plugin.
Check the True Launch Bar settings for Auto-sensing toolbars.
Also read how True Launch Bar fits into the Office work pane.
I took your advice to read the wesite and experiment with Auto-Sensing. We all use toolbars a bit differently, but, as the attached screen shot shows, there remains one critical Office Shortcut Bar feature which True Launch Bar does not possess.
In the screenshot, notice that I have added a green Overlay Image to the partially showing toolbar (titled "Documents") on which the pointer is resting.
If I wanted to replace the display of the Miscellaneous icon area with the display of the pointed-to True Launch Bar, I would _not_ be able to do that by clicking or double-clicking anywhere on the "Documents" bar. This type of display was well-supported in Office Shortcut Bar, and I think it should also be supported in True Launch Bar.
As to how the "Documents" bar can replace the "Miscellaneous" bar in on-screen display of icons, it is done like this. First, drag the "Documents" bar to the left so it is the leftmost undisplayed bar. Next, drag the "Miscellaneous" bar to the right, keeping the cursor at the level of the bar titles. When the cursor's horizontal hotspot gets between the window title bar's X-square and the right edge of the window frame, release the drag and the leftmost undisplayed toolbar ("Documents") will pop on the screen and occupy the position formerly displayed by the "Miscellaneous" toolbar, which will take up the rightmost undisplayed toolbar position.
This multiple Drag & Drop process is pretty awkward and cumbursome, but it always works when I perform it accurately. Thus, it would be a real blessing for former Office Shortcut Bar users if just clicking a toolbar icon were everything needed to display it.