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Can anyone tell me why when I click on anything in my launch bar I get True Launch Bar opening a window to their web page? If I launch Explorer it brings me to my homepage and opens a second window that's the True Launch homepage. Thanks.
Maybe this has something to do with it?
Back once again...
I noticed that I have the same problem,I think five times today.
I don,t know why it happens, but in my case there seems to be a small area over "Demoversion" in horisontal taskbar, and clicking something there opens TLB homepage.
With vertical taskbar it´s no problem.
I´m sure Yuri will fix it, as always.
BTW Yuri suggested me to post a link to GUI Olympics, where You can find two skins made to be used with TLB and Windowblinds, skinname Ocean and True Blue, designed to look best with 72 icons, 1024x768 and also vertical taskbar.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.guiolympics.com">http://www.guiolympics.com</a><!-- m -->
swedone skindesign
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Just read Your comment, HorusUK, and I thought I have to mention that this happens when using 2.2.018 RC3 downloaded from TLB  homepage, but I have noticed that Your answer is a very popular answer in the forum.
Quote:but I have noticed that Your answer is a very popular answer in the forum.
Unfortunately, that's because TLB is a popular target for piracy. So much so, in fact, that Yuri took the time to program intentional bugs into the code that only manifest when somebody has unsuccessfully attempted to bypass the registration. The bugs include (but are probably not limited to) icons distorting on mouse hover, web pages popping up at "random", and the inability to rearrange icons. So naturally, when a user complains of a problem that sounds suspiciously like one of these, our first diagnosis is that the software is pirated. The web page we link to is just kind of a polite way of saying so.
I am frequently shocked and irritated by the gall and ignorance of these freeloaders who steal Yuri's software, then waste everyone's time complaining that it doesn't work right for them. I mean really, would you take a stolen car back to the dealership when the steering column locks up and demand that they fix it? For free?
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I did not pirate it !!! I have downloaded and installed the beta and would like to know if this is a feature or a problem on my end before I decide if I want ot register. For the most part I like the program but this is more annoying than it's worth to me if it's a feature.
Quote:Unfortunately, that's because TLB is a popular target for piracy. So much so, in fact, that Yuri took the time to program intentional bugs into the code that only manifest when somebody has unsuccessfully attempted to bypass the registration. The bugs include (but are probably not limited to) icons distorting on mouse hover, web pages popping up at "random", and the inability to rearrange icons. So naturally, when a user complains of a problem that sounds suspiciously like one of these, our first diagnosis is that the software is pirated. The web page we link to is just kind of a polite way of saying so.
I don't have any of the problems you are talking about aside from the TLB homepage launching along with my homepage. So if it's not to much trouble maybe someone can find a " polite" way of telling me if there is a way stop this in the registered version. Thank You.
swedone skindesign
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In my case the TLB homepage only opens when I´m clicking in the redmarked area, so it´s almost a feature to me.
I think maybe something is wrong in Your case, maybe try to reinstall it ?
Does this happen when clicking all items ?
I´m sorry I can´t help You in a better way.
Drunkagain can you post screenshot of your toolbar here?
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Yuri Kobets Wrote:Drunkagain can you post screenshot of your toolbar here? I don't know how to do that?
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swedone skindesign Wrote:Hello,drunkagain
In my case the TLB homepage only opens when I´m clicking in the redmarked area, so it´s almost a feature to me.
I think maybe something is wrong in Your case, maybe try to reinstall it ?
Does this happen when clicking all items ?
I´m sorry I can´t help You in a better way. Thanks for the advice swedone.
I don't have any redmarked area's? Where are they supposed to be? And no it dosen't happen all the time.
And just to be clear. I downloaded the demo .exe from the TLB website a couple of months ago and ran the update. Everything worked fine for a good month. I decided to do a clean install on my system about two weeks ago and when I reinstalled from my backed up .exe - which I downloaded from the TLB website - and ran the upate this problem started showing up. It wasn't there before.
I'll try reinstalling over the weekend. Basically I've been just trying to figure out if this is a feature?
swedone skindesign
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There isn´t any redmarked areas, I marked the area to show Yuri and You in what area this appears.
Try to take a screenshot, as Yuri suggested, the best tool I could recommend is MW Snap,and it´s a free utility.
Here´s the link:http://www.mirekw.com/winfreeware/mwsnap.html
When You have taken a screenshot of Your taskbar, attach the file to Your post.