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Hi. I've run into a rather large memory leak bug. I set my c:\ drive as a virtural folder so i could manage the files on that drive with TLB. When I browse to a folder with many files in it (for example, c:\windows\system32 in Windows XP) it takes about 5 seconds to display that folder in the cascading menu. During those 5 seconds, the memory used by explorer.exe jumps up 30MB. Continuing to browse to other folders with many files can eventually eat up all 256MB of my memory.
Running Windows XP, v RC1 of TLB
I'll post screenshots shortly.
Just curious, is your CPU utilization going to 100% also when this happens?
I'm on the same release of TLB, but with win2k sp2.
I'm seeing the cpu pegging @ 100% if I change & apply any of TLB's settings or if I browse a virtual folder.
The other thing I'm seeing is my disk thrashing when this happens (page faults go from an idle state of around 15-30, to more than 200!)
The only things that bring my cpu back to normal are doing a refresh (from right click on TLB's settings), or closing TLB.
I'm getting Explorer lockups/crashes also.
Not sure about the memory leak, as I've been paying so much attention to the cpu & disk thrashing, I hadn't looked. Will keep an eye on it now.
I've emailed Yuri, haven't heard from him yet, but I'm sure he'll have a look first chance he gets.
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Ya, as a matter of fact, my CPU usage peaks out too. But the CPU usage does return to 0% after I finish browsing in TLB. The memory, however, stays up there, so I'm more concerned with that at the moment. I got my explorer to crash as well by maxing out memory usage.
Also, I put up some screenshots. The memory jump was only 6MB this time, probably because I had already displayed the folder and it got cached or something.
Go here:
(Edited[/url] by Trackrun5 at 10:56 am on Nov. 25, 2001)
I know about the problem with huge number of files. Now I recommend you use the Refresh option from context menu. This will free content of all child folders and free up memory.
I try to reproduce this the bug you describe and do not find any. Can you say what of tge options do you change.
I think I can get it to happen with any setting, but I know the "menu appearance|do not cut off caption" then a click of "apply" will start it.
Hope you can help.
...Strange, my icon libraries were no longer listed in the "change icon" option. Setting them up again seems to have solved the issue with TLB & settings causing 100% cpu. At least I can no longer make it happen (I could for 3 days solid before.)
...Actually, probably not strange (was just too tired to think clearly last night) What with uninstalling & re-installing in trying to figure this out, I'm sure the location of the icl's just got wiped.
Just found the bug with symptom you write. If there are Virtual Folder that linked to deleted folder, then on change settings we have 100% cpu usage.
I optimize the memory usage, the next version will eat less resources.
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cool. i look forward to testing
Great Yuri!
Looking forward to the new & improved version!
Nice job on v. RC2 Yuri!
So far so good. No recurrence of the 100% cpu bug.
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Hi. Tested RC2. The memory usage seems a bit better, but the problem still occurs ;-(. When I browse to c:\windows\system32, RAM usage in explorer.exe still shoots up about 4MB. It does not go back down after I'm done browsing. Refresing TLB only makes it go down 1MB. If I do a lot of browsing in TLB, the RAM gets very high, past 40MB in explorer.exe alone.
Also, you may want to say that RC2 is available for download. The site still says RC1.
I just set up a virtual folder for system32, browsing to it caused cpu to go up to 100% & move between 80-100% while TLB was having a look, then back down to normal levels. ...but then I'd expect that (80-100% cpu), to happen while the folder contents are being cached.
memory usage went up 6MB, then came back down, may have kept a meg or so there, but then that may be to be expected given that my sys32 folder has 103 folders & 5382 files (752MB)
Just wanted to see if I got the same results as trackrun.
Don't know where you were seeing only RC1, I see this:
>28 Nov 2001
>True Launch Bar v. RC2 released. Optimized >memory use, auto close menu, some bug fixed
Everywhere I look.
Yes!!! I found the memory leakage in the Virtual Folders. Update will comes soon 
I'll try to inspect code for other memory/resource leaks.
About incorrect RC#. Where do you see this?