Volume Control 3.0 Skins in Vista not working!!
Started by gate1975mlm

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Senior Member

487 posts 90 threads Joined: Dec 2004
02-04-2007, 09:06 AM -
I have found a bug.

The skins are not working for Volume Control 3.0 in Vista!

Hope this can be fixed.
Senior Member

487 posts 90 threads Joined: Dec 2004
02-06-2007, 02:25 PM -
Yuri Kobets
Posting Freak

6,208 posts 429 threads Joined: Jan 2002
02-06-2007, 03:26 PM -
Sorry, I can't to reproduce this bug.
Please can you be some detailed. How skins not working? Do you select the skin but plugin use the default skin. Or you can't to install skins?
Senior Member

487 posts 90 threads Joined: Dec 2004
02-08-2007, 07:50 AM -
Yuri Kobets Wrote:Sorry, I can't to reproduce this bug.
Please can you be some detailed. How skins not working? Do you select the skin but plugin use the default skin. Or you can't to install skins?

I installed the skins for the Volume but they are not apearing in the skins list. So I can't use them.
Senior Member

487 posts 90 threads Joined: Dec 2004
02-08-2007, 08:09 AM -
Ok this is very strange! Confusedhock:

The only way I can get the Volume skins to install is to unzip them to a folder then move the skin to the Volume skins folder. Doing it that way works.

But if I use True Lanuch Bar to install the skins they don't show up in the list. Also if I unzip the skins firect to the Volume skins folder the new added skins still don't apear. The only way to get them to show is to fist unzip the skins to a folder then move the skin to the Volume skins folder.

Its like the skins are hidden because when I move the skins to the Volumes skin folder from the other folder it ask me if I am to over right the existing files even when I do not see the skin even in the Volume skin folder.

Strange Confusedhock: Never had this issue before. Is this just because I am running Vista?
Yuri Kobets
Posting Freak

6,208 posts 429 threads Joined: Jan 2002
02-12-2007, 10:08 AM -
OK. I've reproduced the problems with installing skins under Windows Vista. This is because the Vista block the write access to the Program Files folder.

I've prepared the new utility TLB Skin Installer:

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://download.truelaunchbar.com/test/skin-installer.zip">http://download.truelaunchbar.com/test/ ... taller.zip</a><!-- m -->

Unzip this file into TLB installation folder and make the shortcut to it. This utility request the administrative rights to install skins into program files folder. In the next version of TLB this utility will be included into TLB installation package.
Senior Member

487 posts 90 threads Joined: Dec 2004
02-12-2007, 11:26 AM -
Yuri Kobets Wrote:OK. I've reproduced the problems with installing skins under Windows Vista. This is because the Vista block the write access to the Program Files folder.

I've prepared the new utility TLB Skin Installer:

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://download.truelaunchbar.com/test/skin-installer.zip">http://download.truelaunchbar.com/test/ ... taller.zip</a><!-- m -->

Unzip this file into TLB installation folder and make the shortcut to it. This utility request the administrative rights to install skins into program files folder. In the next version of TLB this utility will be included into TLB installation package.

Big thanks!

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