Net Monitor Skin Bug?
Started by rh

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7 posts 1 threads Joined: Nov 2006
07-22-2007, 01:13 AM -

I have a problem with the Net Monitor plugin:

Sometimes, the bar will show negative values like in the picture I attached.

Here is the source code of the skin:

SkinName = rh's Net Monitor Skin (Balken-Version)
Author = rh
email =

background = bg.png

type = VertRow
picture = dia1.png
field = INLOAD
tile = 0
pos = 2 2
size = 4 19

type = VertRow
picture = dia2.png
field = OUTLOAD
tile = 0
pos = 11 2
size = 4 19

Is this a bug or have I made a mistake while creating the skin?

I did NOT have that problem with earlier versions of the Net Monitor plugin up to 1.4


Attached Files Image(s)
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899 posts 100 threads Joined: Feb 2003
07-24-2007, 01:59 PM -
Your screenshot is slightly a little too small.
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7 posts 1 threads Joined: Nov 2006
07-24-2007, 02:04 PM -
Errm... this is slightly a little the original size.

I don't see how enlarging it would add any information. You can see that the red bar is pointing down instead of up as it should.
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899 posts 100 threads Joined: Feb 2003
07-24-2007, 05:07 PM -
When we see the shot you posted it appears less than 1/2 inch or less than 12 mm in size. Display on this computer is set at 1024x768. There is no larger image to click upon as in a thumbnail.

Does anyone else see a larger image?

This is an exact representation of what we see. It is the same size as your screenshot. It is the height of the cursor.
[Image: tlbimage1sk0.png]

If you can, please post your whole skin .ini file if the above in your post is not the whole thing.
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7 posts 1 threads Joined: Nov 2006
07-24-2007, 11:22 PM -
Yes, the size is correct. It has to be so small in order to fit into the task bar.

Also, the skin.ini file is complete.


241 posts 57 threads Joined: Jan 2004
07-25-2007, 12:17 AM -
rh, could you post the the original image file for it?

also try using these variables aswell
fillType = picture
startFrom = bottom

nice clean skin btw
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7 posts 1 threads Joined: Nov 2006
07-25-2007, 07:33 AM -
hi ozxar,

thanks for the reply. I tried the modifications you suggested but they did not help. I have attached the whole skin as a zip file.


EDIT: I just discovered that the plugin does not save my connection settings correctly. The settings under "outbound bandwidth limit" have disappeared every time I return to the dialog. Maybe there is a connection? On the other hand I see negative values in the left (download) bar as well.

Attached Files
.zip   rh's Net Monitor (Size: 10.25 KB / Downloads: 611)

241 posts 57 threads Joined: Jan 2004
07-25-2007, 02:21 PM -
argh, just realised the ones i gave you were for sysmon :roll:

try this instead
valuesFrom = bottom
beginFrom = right
Junior Member

7 posts 1 threads Joined: Nov 2006
07-25-2007, 02:34 PM -
thanks, I tried it, but that did not resolve the problems either.
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899 posts 100 threads Joined: Feb 2003
07-26-2007, 01:39 PM -
Now that we have tried your skin we too find that the display is all over the map. We have tried various parameters and settings all to no avail. There appears to be some flaw with the plugin. Perhaps Yuri can take a look at the problem if he gets a chance.
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241 posts 57 threads Joined: Jan 2004
07-26-2007, 02:25 PM -
This is weird, i got it to work with just those params i gave you.
The only settings i use are setting a customised connection to auto inbound bandwith limit, but outbound does not seem to save the settings.

Attached Files Image(s)
Yuri Kobets
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6,208 posts 429 threads Joined: Jan 2002
07-27-2007, 07:35 AM -
I've tested the skin. The bug in the network monitor. Also the outbound settings are not saved. I'll make update soon.
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899 posts 100 threads Joined: Feb 2003
07-27-2007, 07:38 AM -
Thank you. We were suspecting this was the case.
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7 posts 1 threads Joined: Nov 2006
07-29-2007, 12:55 PM -
great yuri, thanks!

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