Weather Monitor v.1.1 beta - has been released
Started by Yuri Kobets

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Yuri Kobets
Posting Freak

6,208 posts 429 threads Joined: Jan 2002
06-24-2002, 06:23 PM -
Weather Monitor plugin v.1.1 has been released

Changes in this version:
* Added support of proxy servers
* Added cookies blocking
* Fixed some bugs

More Information
Download Weather Monitor
Eric J Johnson

193 posts 25 threads Joined: Jun 2001
06-24-2002, 06:44 PM -
Did you add a pretty picture for "Mist"? Big Grin
Eric J. Johnson|Proud American||OC-192! Members Get TrueLaunchBar @ OVER 50% Off!
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Junior Member

45 posts 4 threads Joined: Dec 2001
06-25-2002, 03:37 AM -
Works flawlessly here.

- Show the city in the tooltips, or maybe better, show the name the user enters for the Weather Monitor, ex. "Weather in Paris", "Weather in Berlin", ...
- Option to show other information available from the weather provider, like moon phase, astronomy, ...
- Option to change the weather when bad... Smile

06-25-2002, 01:01 PM -
Brilliant - Simply Brilliant
You can probably guess but it works perfectly for me now...

Thanks Yuri

06-25-2002, 03:33 PM -
Yep works perfectly for me to now.

Great thx Smile

06-26-2002, 12:07 AM -
REQ - Pressure only gives a result of 1.00

I'm trying to configure the plug-in to work from a local weather station page It gives the pressure in millibars (same as Hpa) but uses a ',' as the thousands break (1,020 Millibars) I think this is why I can only get 1 as the pressure reading...

Any ideas ?

Here's the .ini file

name = Leeds Weather
;TemperatureUnits values F or C
TemperatureUnits = C
; PressureUnits values
; 0: hundreds of Pascals (hPa)
; 1: Atmosphere (atm)
; 2: Pounds per Square Inch (psi)
; 3: Inches of Mercury (inches Hg)
; 4: millimeters of Mercury (mm Hg)
PressureUnits = 0
HavePressure =1
HaveHumidity = 1

find0 = "obsTempText"
find1 = "
Yuri Kobets
Posting Freak

6,208 posts 429 threads Joined: Jan 2002
06-26-2002, 04:53 PM -
Quote:It gives the pressure in millibars (same as Hpa) but uses a ',' as the thousands break (1,020 Millibars) I think this is why I can only get 1 as the pressure reading...
Yes, in the next version I'll make support of number formats on the pages.

06-26-2002, 11:29 PM -
Thanks Yuri
My Hero Wink
Junior Member

12 posts 3 threads Joined: Nov 2001
06-27-2002, 12:19 AM -
First of all the Weather Monitor is a great plugin. I though have a few suggestions:

- I miss the ability to parse the URL from the ini-file, so whenever you select another weather-provider from the Properties-box the URL-string automatically changes to the URL specified in the ini-file.

- Another nice feature would be the ability to edit the ini-file directly from the Properties-box.
Kind regards
Kurt Moskjaer Andersen

06-30-2002, 08:13 AM -
I'm trying to create my own skin, but am having great problems with the numbers
What resolution/DPI should the PNG images be in and how do i place the numbers in the final image ?


Junior Member

2 posts 0 threads Joined: May 2002
06-30-2002, 03:03 PM -
Great plugin, but for version 1.2 could you possibly parse the sunset and sunrise times and when outside the daytime, replace the sun with a moon.

I find it odd (and mildly amusing) when at 2 in the morning I glance at the weather monitor only to be greeted by a bright yellow sun! Big Grin

Thanks Yuri
Yuri Kobets
Posting Freak

6,208 posts 429 threads Joined: Jan 2002
06-30-2002, 03:17 PM -
Guest Wrote:I'm trying to create my own skin, but am having great problems with the numbers
What resolution/DPI should the PNG images be in and how do i place the numbers in the final image?
I use Adobe Photoshop Save for Web...
As I see in the properties of .png files they are 120 DPI.

For every layout set the value:
NumbersPic = small\numbers.png
Then set values:
ShowTemperature = 1
TemperaturePos = 20 4

ShowTemperature - 1 to show 0 to hide
TemperaturePos = x y

The numbers will draw plugin for you Wink
Junior Member

49 posts 10 threads Joined: Dec 2001
06-30-2002, 05:21 PM -
Si_mac Wrote:Great plugin, but for version 1.2 could you possibly parse the sunset and sunrise times and when outside the daytime, replace the sun with a moon.

I find it odd (and mildly amusing) when at 2 in the morning I glance at the weather monitor only to be greeted by a bright yellow sun! Big Grin

Thanks Yuri
I agree with these comments...especially the day/night would be better if it switched from a sun to a moon after sunset and vice versa at sunrise.

I would like to be able to make multiple types of weather conditions and be able to assign graphics to them. For instance, I would like to be able to have the option for a different graphic for light thunderstorms and heavy thunderstorms. If someone wants 100 different graphic files for different conditions, they should have that option.

Also, I believe if you can parse the data from the provider (which isn't that difficult) there should be a way to put it into the skin.

You should also be able to parse data, like visibility, wind and conditions, and place that text into the skin wherever you want and however big you want - kind of like song title in winamp plugin.

It would be great if you could place text fields into the skin.ini file too. Something like:
text1 = "Temp:", 10, 2, 20 - Variables = ["Text", Size of text, from left, from top.] This would make skinning a LOT easier.

Also, one last thing about the weather skins...I've had troubles with the way the skins are shown. Sometimes the skin seems to zoom pictures. Like, I made a small change to one of the sun pictures (made it a little smaller)...and then refreshed the skin and it showed up quite a bit larger in the skin. I'm not sure if I'm just doing something wrong or what, but never had any problems with making skins for TLB or winamp...but have had this zooming problem with the winamp plugin quite a few times.

Anyway, just a few suggestions and nothing that you NEED to put into the plugin...just a few things that would make it even that much better. I love pngs and can't wait for png support in winamp plugin! Big Grin Thanks a lot for your great work.
Junior Member

49 posts 10 threads Joined: Dec 2001
06-30-2002, 06:42 PM -
Actually, I found the magic number...on my system at is 96 DPI...this gives a 1:1 ratio of what I see in photoshop to what I see in the skin. Hope this helps.

07-01-2002, 03:33 AM -
Thanks guys, I spent ages trying to find the 'Magic DPI' number - I'll give them a go !!!


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