Hmmm... I've found the problem with this button in the current TLB version. The width of the rest button is hardcoded into 15px. In the next TLB version, the width will be depending of the content margins defined in the skin file.
So how to shange the arrow:
1) Find the skin you want to change. The skins can be found in the folder C:\Program Files\truelaunchbar\skins. Every skin is inside own folder. Make a copy of the skin to modify.
2) Copy the arrow image into the skin folder. You can find many nice arrows here:
2) open tlbskin.ini file using notepad or any other text editor (I like
3) in the section [general] you can change the SkinName to find the skin in the TLB settings
4) find the section [Chevron] and value Image1. This strings looks like:
Image1 = arrow.png, 1, Transparent(0xFF00FF), center(-4), center(-4)
* arrow.png - is the arrow file
* center(-4), center(-4) - position of the arrow horizontal and vertical. The positions are relative and you can use left(x), center(x), right(x) for horizontal position and top(x), center(x), bottom(x) for vertical position. X is the pixels count to shift the image. Generally if you are using center, you must shift the image into half of the arrow width (height)
5) Now change the ContentMargins width:
ContentMargins = 8, 8, 0, 0
The values: leftMargin, rightMargin, topMargin, bottomMargin
In the next TLB version the width of the rest button will be leftMargin + rightMargin. In the version 5.2 the width is always 15pix, so the arrow width must be less then 15
If you are using the vertical toolbar, then change the values in the [ChevronVert] section.