Mulitple("Virtual")Desktop support?
Started by gaffo

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06-29-2012, 04:53 PM -
by outside programs like Dexpot - or within your True Launch Bar pluggin applet?

I don't have any use for 3 extra desktops if those same desktops don't allow their own Icon-set with a quich launch bar (i.e what others have called "toolbox" PC Tools for Windows folks for yrs ago/"dock" Apple folks).

YEARS AND YEARS ago - 1993 in fact, on a lowely 486DX-33 running windows 3.1 I installed Central Points PC Tools for Windows: which offered a complet shell overhaul of windoze 3.1 - I had 4 Multidesktops (back then "Virtual Desktops" refered to desktops larger than the edges of the monitor one used - not more than one desktop) with THEIR ICON SET!!

Three years later - 96, I had Linux running KDE-1 which offer the same logical functionality: several desktops, with a "launch-bar" ("tookbox" - PC Tools parlance) aka "dock".or whatever the hell they call it now. I line of icons (no text) on the left of the screen from top to bottom. NOT the same icon strip for ALL 4 Desktops - thats like driving a 4 wheeled motorcycle, defeats the whole uselfullness of multidesktops if one cannot have separate icon sets per desktop.

Three years later under XP I used Dragstrip to do what the above two did.

--- now have trying to get Nexus Winstep/ Toolbox 2.89/ Rocketdock/ Objectdock? and now your application.......................when using them with Nexpot - it either get one of the aboves to ONLY show on the 1st desktop and not the other 3: OR I get ONE VERSION of the "Strip" on all 4 desktops (no Icon tayloring - i.e. if I remove a icon from the dock and go to the other desktops that same said icon is gone over there to!! (useless!!)).


Well it looks like efficient desktop environments were invented by Central Point Software's PC Tools for Windows 20 yrs ago and now with Windows 7 I cant even attain what I had 20 yrs ago on a humble 486!


after 4-weeks trying every combo to try to make Windows 7 like Linux's KDE (i.e. useful), I give up.

It looks like I'm stuck with one desktop and since I never used either the taskbar nor the start-button (both just get in my way - lol)..............I'll be going back to rooting through directory hyerarchies to find the "exe" I need and double click it to get by ;-/.


I did try your plugin Virtual DEsktop 2 - but it seems to not support segregated docks per desktop and so I have sadly absolutely no use having more than one desktop (to the whole purpose of having say 4 desktops - is so you can define each according to function: desktop one - Office (so only office program icons on launch strip) - desktop two - Internet (so stuff like FTP client, Usenet Client, Usenet Uploader, mp3 player, Web Broswer) - desktop - three - Games - desktop four - audio/video (stuff like Blender, Audacity (that the name of the sound editor?), Inkscape..................

oh well - I've ranted enough ;-/. i guess at this point its Microsofts/Apples way or the highway.................I await the up and comming "touch screen" OS for my 60" HDTV to get all fingerprint-smudgy by M$'s command. lovely.

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