New Weather Monitor provider - Yahoo Weather with 3-day forecast
Started by shapeshifter

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Senior Member

658 posts 24 threads Joined: Sep 2002
04-07-2003, 03:45 PM -
Here it is, the (IMHO Big Grin) end-all be-all provider file for Weather Monitor 1.2! Now you can take advantage of Yahoo's global network of weather reporting stations, powered by technology. In addition to the standard weather information (temperature, conditions, humidity, etc.), this file also provides weather conditions and temperature ranges for the next two days. In addition, all weather details on the web page (wind, visibility, dewpoint, etc.) are also available with this provider file. Enjoy!

<edit> Please note: this provider file only works with WM 1.2 </edit>

To install, download this file to your \TrueLaunchBar\Plugins\weathermon\providers directory (you can name the file whatever you like - I recommend yahoo3day.ini), then refresh Weather Monitor (right click -> Refresh). Next, right-click WM, select Properties, then change the provider to "Yahoo Weather - 3 Day". Click the ">>" button, navigate to your forecast page, then copy that URL back to the plugin's Properties window. Chose your skin and paramaters and click Ok.

73 posts 19 threads Joined: Nov 2002
04-07-2003, 10:39 PM -
Very Nice 1.
This will permit me to remove the two WU icons for tonight and tomorrow forecast and gain some space!
Junior Member

7 posts 0 threads Joined: Apr 2003
04-09-2003, 05:27 PM -

Upgraded to new version and it works fine now

73 posts 19 threads Joined: Nov 2002
04-11-2003, 12:07 AM -
Hi, two queries:
1) I noticed that if I keep utilising two Providers, WU and Yahoo, altenatively at every startup (apparently with no rule, and not depending from the skins) the icons of one of the two provider are not shown, but the weather details are shown correctly. Does it happen to others?

2) For SHAPESHIFTER: in the Weather Detail of Yahoo 3day there are two parameters that seem contradictory: one is "Third Day", that seems to be always set at "Sun", the other is "Third Day Conditions", that correctly corresponds to the forecast predicted in the Yahoo site for the day after tomorrow. May be is a miss out? Or what else?


80 posts 27 threads Joined: Dec 2001
04-11-2003, 12:34 AM -
how do you make it show an icon for each of the next three days?
Senior Member

658 posts 24 threads Joined: Sep 2002
04-11-2003, 07:56 AM -
Quote:the icons of one of the two provider are not shown, but the weather details are shown correctly.
This probably happens more often with the Yahoo provider file. I'm working on a long term fix, but in the short term, you can right click WM, select change icon, then select an icon appropriate for the current conditions. WM will remember this icon and display it any time those conditions occur again in the future.
Quote:2) For SHAPESHIFTER: in the Weather Detail of Yahoo 3day there are two parameters that seem contradictory: one is "Third Day", that seems to be always set at "Sun", the other is "Third Day Conditions", that correctly corresponds to the forecast predicted in the Yahoo site for the day after tomorrow. May be is a miss out? Or what else?
The parameter "Third Day" is the name of the third day (in this case: "Sun" = "Sunday"). It should change every day, but not more than that. I included it because I found it easier than figuring out what the third day was in my head. The "Third Day Conditions" are the conditions for that day. If people find it confusing, I can rename it or just leave it out of the next version.
Quote:how do you make it show an icon for each of the next three days?
Due to current WM 1.2 limitations, you can only have one conditions icon. I chose to have the icon represent the current conditions, as that seemed most relevant.
Captain Caveman

62 posts 8 threads Joined: Sep 2001
04-28-2003, 12:37 PM -
All of the providers that come with Weather Monitor use websites with incorrect weather conditions (not even close either).

Yahoo/W-underground/ show the weather in Toronto as being 57 (fahrenheit) / 13 c.

But if you look at <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> or local weather/news channels, its actually 77f / 25 c.

Thats a huge difference Wink .. and it is 25.. its an amazing day outside for a change Wink

Anyone able to create a provider file for theweathernetwork?
Yuri Kobets
Posting Freak

6,208 posts 429 threads Joined: Jan 2002
04-28-2003, 02:21 PM -
Here is profile for theweathernetwork Wink

BTW all other must work. Please check the page URL you wrote in the properties. This page must contain temperature in fahrenheit. The all will be right.
Captain Caveman

62 posts 8 threads Joined: Sep 2001
04-28-2003, 05:44 PM -
Thanks Yuri, working perfect.

The others worked fine.. but those web pages just never had the proper temp. that it actually was here.

Its like they are 4-6 hours behind.

At 4pm, they had it as 13c .. when it was last 13c at about 10:30am .. and its still warmer then 13c (16c) so they still haven't even caught up.
Captain Caveman

62 posts 8 threads Joined: Sep 2001
05-01-2003, 09:23 AM -
Well, for the first time in 2 years.. The Weather Network has now changed their website.. lol

So Yuri, that provider file is no longer working.
Yuri Kobets
Posting Freak

6,208 posts 429 threads Joined: Jan 2002
05-01-2003, 10:39 AM -
Here is updated Big Grin

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