05-13-2003, 06:25 PM -
I have had one big thing to complain about almost every single plug-in for tlb. and always forgot to tell you about it 
Most of them are skinned but do not support custom sized fonts. Most are so small that they are impossible to see on high-res monitors. F.ex., other change theire size by what the icon size is ( Drive Space, virtual desktop.... ) would be nice if I could just change the size not by how large the icons are or by how the bitmaps used to show the info are. I would have thougt that had been easier to program than skinnable?

Most of them are skinned but do not support custom sized fonts. Most are so small that they are impossible to see on high-res monitors. F.ex., other change theire size by what the icon size is ( Drive Space, virtual desktop.... ) would be nice if I could just change the size not by how large the icons are or by how the bitmaps used to show the info are. I would have thougt that had been easier to program than skinnable?