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Is is possible to manually set the bandwidth setting instead of allowing the plugin to automatically detect it?
Because I am on a network at 100MBit, but my internet connection is only 512KBit so that the INLOAD and OUTLOAD graphs never show up.
If I can set the bandwidth manually then I could overcome this.
Thx for a great app by the way
You can do this with Net Monitor plugin version 0.2b and above. Here's how:
Right click the plugin and select "Properties". In the Properties window, click the "Customized connections" tab and highlight the connection you're monitoring. Inside the "Bandwidth limit" box, select the radio button next to "Custom", then enter the speed of your connection in bytes per second. To determine you connection speed in bytes/sec, take your Kbit speed and multiply by 1000 to get the bit speed, then divide by 8 (8 bits in a byte) to get your byte speed. According to my nifty new calculator plugin, that comes out to 64,000 bytes per second for you. When you are done, click "Ok".
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wow excellent!
thx a lot
now if only I could set the bandwidth independently for up and down load... :p
Simple - just use a 2nd bandwith plugin
The 1st one set to show down speed and/or total!
The 2nd one set to show up speed and/or total!
You may need modded skins
Never thought of this use b4 - so I'm gonna do it right now!!! maekesh me do a shecks wee...
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ahh coool !
now I need a modded skin that's smaller than the ones I've got - a skin that shows one bar and one data, without taking up so much room...
I've tried shrinking the size of background.png, but this doesn't reduce the amount of task bar taken up by the plugin ... ...
::fingers crossed::
I could make one for you. I've been making skins all week to match the Sentinel visual style, so I've got myself in the creative mood again. What exactly do you want? Do you want the bar horizontal or vertical? How big do you want the whole plugin (in pixels)? Do you want it to match any particular visual style, wallpaper, etc.? The more specific you can be, the more likely you'll like it when I'm done.
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wow thanks for the offer
I'm not sure what the limitations for the skins are, in terms of posible sizes. Generally I would like it to take minimal room while still looking pretty!
My task bar is one row high.
Is it possible for a skin to be half as high as one row of the taskbar, a numerical in/out per sec, and a horizontal bar. And could two of these plugins be placed above and below each other so that they only take up one row combined? I'm thinking that this actually wouldn't be possible.
Alternatively, a vertial bar followed by a numerical speedmeter. Then the two plugins could be placed beside each other.
Currently I am using the blue skin that came with the weather plugin which is fine colour-wise, although a darker blue (like midnight blue) background might be nicer.
Hope these descriptions make sense!
And thank you again!!!
I just amended BleuSneeZe from this forum. Download it, then copy the folder rename one to BlueSneezeD, the other to BlueSneezeU.
The in the BleuSneeZeU amend the netmonskin.ini field line to:
field = OUTSPEED
and save
Thats it, works great! maekesh me do a shecks wee...
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thing is that all the skins here take up too much room if I use 2 plugins.
I need a half-sized skin designed just to show 1 vertical bar and 1 numerical speed
That way 2 plugins = same space as 1 plugin (normal sized)
I'm very precious about my task bar real estate :p
I think I have a solution for you. I decided to go with an LCD display look, but you can always change the pngs if you don't like it. I had to create 2 skins so that you could configure your upstream and downstream max speeds independently. They are called (I spent hours coming up with these names, no really) Tiny Up for upload monitoring, and Tiny Down for download monitoring. They are designed to sit right next to each other on the taskbar, with Tiny Up on the left. Both skins are included in the zip, so just unzip to your \truelaunchbar\plugins
etmon\skins directory. The screenshot is a jpeg, so the skins will look better on your system.
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WOW !!!
That's amazing
Thank you so much!
The numbers could be a little bit clearer, but apart from that it's perfect
I second that, nice LCD-type display going on there ShapeShifter!! Font could do with being slightly clearer, but great 1st attempt ( ! ) Certainley frees up some space. I'm using it now! maekesh me do a shecks wee...
I had limited myself to a total combined width of 64 pixels. Unfortunately, if I make the text any larger (making it easier to read) under these confines, it gets truncated. I'll redesign for a total width of 80 pixels, and see how that looks.
Ok, version 2 (dubbed "Less Tiny"). Changes: text is easier to read, overall combined width is 80 pixels, up and down arrows are now lights indicating activity, and the text shown is now user selectable. Now I might have to redesign my taskbar so I can use this, too...
Follow instructions in previous post to install.
It's the Mutts' Nut's!!! Looks very sweet! U got any other skins like this ShapeShifter? MoBo Monitor/Mail Monitor.
p.s. how have u got the no. messages on ur task bar?
a1ehouse maekesh me do a shecks wee...