05-04-2003, 09:21 PM -
Hey yall...
I love seeing people gettin into plugins. I have grown out of programming now (ha, im only 20) but still love helping people. If you have any non-super-complex problems - as I havent programmed in about a year, or better yet, want me to make skins for your plugins I'd be happy to help. I, by nature am a graphic designer, not a programmer, so... yeah, keep that in mind.
btw - what happened to <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.tsoftcentral.com/skinslib">www.tsoftcentral.com/skinslib</a><!-- w --> ?? its not working for me... just got a 404 on tsoft and the truelaunch doman for /skinslib just wanting to find some new skins!
oh yeah, drop me an msn if yer bored - I usually am: <!-- e --><a href="mailto:l7studios@hotmail.com">l7studios@hotmail.com</a><!-- e -->
I love seeing people gettin into plugins. I have grown out of programming now (ha, im only 20) but still love helping people. If you have any non-super-complex problems - as I havent programmed in about a year, or better yet, want me to make skins for your plugins I'd be happy to help. I, by nature am a graphic designer, not a programmer, so... yeah, keep that in mind.
btw - what happened to <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.tsoftcentral.com/skinslib">www.tsoftcentral.com/skinslib</a><!-- w --> ?? its not working for me... just got a 404 on tsoft and the truelaunch doman for /skinslib just wanting to find some new skins!
oh yeah, drop me an msn if yer bored - I usually am: <!-- e --><a href="mailto:l7studios@hotmail.com">l7studios@hotmail.com</a><!-- e -->