03-06-2004, 06:14 PM -
I'm pretty sure Yuri's suggestion will fix this problem, but just in case, you can try adding a "ValueType = INT" to your ini section. I'm not holding my breath on that one becuase I suspect that assigning C or F as the unit has the same effect. I do know that if you try to assign a string variable (like a space or a letter) to an INTeger variable type (such as with unit type C), the plugin will return a 0 as the measurement. (I'm pretty sure you already knew this, HorusUK, just posting it here for the benefit of others.) I exploited this in my X-Mod Wind skin. The web page I'm parsing will sometimes report "N/A" for the wind gust speed, which would throw off my skin's alignment. By telling WM to expect an INT(eger), it interprets "N/A" as 0, which fits just fine in my skin.