Wow. I just don't know where to start. You have been given ample opportunity to tell us what problems you are having with TLB so that they can be fixed, but you continually refuse. Look around the forums here, what do you see? You see people reporting bugs, suggesting improvements, sharing work-arounds, and in the middle of it all is Yuri, working his butt off to bring us the best #### quick launch replacement ever. Oh yeah, then there's you. What makes you think you've got the right to judge TLB a "failer" (seriously, spell check) when you can't even figure out how to make a post without quoting yourself? I'd be horrified to see the state of your system. I'm sure TLB does crash quite frequently for you, as does most of your other software. Computers are not idiot proof. They require a little bit of skill to maintain them in good running condition, just like a car. You'll learn about cars in a few years. Unless you've got something productive to add (like oh, say, and actual bug report?), don't bother posting here any more. You've worn out your welcome, and I'm sure I won't be the only one ignoring useless posts like this in the future.