is any good or is a another failer?
Started by cammm14

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9 posts in this topic
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8 posts 3 threads Joined: Nov 2003
01-02-2004, 11:10 PM -
Quote:TLB hopefully someone will find a better program or invent one
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658 posts 24 threads Joined: Sep 2002
01-03-2004, 06:06 AM -
Wow. I just don't know where to start. You have been given ample opportunity to tell us what problems you are having with TLB so that they can be fixed, but you continually refuse. Look around the forums here, what do you see? You see people reporting bugs, suggesting improvements, sharing work-arounds, and in the middle of it all is Yuri, working his butt off to bring us the best #### quick launch replacement ever. Oh yeah, then there's you. What makes you think you've got the right to judge TLB a "failer" (seriously, spell check) when you can't even figure out how to make a post without quoting yourself? I'd be horrified to see the state of your system. I'm sure TLB does crash quite frequently for you, as does most of your other software. Computers are not idiot proof. They require a little bit of skill to maintain them in good running condition, just like a car. You'll learn about cars in a few years. Unless you've got something productive to add (like oh, say, and actual bug report?), don't bother posting here any more. You've worn out your welcome, and I'm sure I won't be the only one ignoring useless posts like this in the future.
Junior Member

8 posts 3 threads Joined: Nov 2003
01-03-2004, 06:37 PM -
Quote:That was cute and all but yet look around the forum and look at al the bugs this program causes. superior replacement wouldn't be the correct words for tlb LOL!

as for my system:
AMD athlon 1.8ghz processor
Gige-byte Mother Board w/ DPS
160gb Maxtor HD
Clear Side Panel Casing w/ a blue LED
52x 24x 52x Burner
Antec 350w PS
256mb GFX card nivida
512mb DDR RAM (2100)

little cute addons Smile :
Laser optical mouse
logitec keyboard
50w speaker system
Senior Member

658 posts 24 threads Joined: Sep 2002
01-04-2004, 07:07 AM -
You are an absolute #####. One of the main reasons for these forums is for sharing bug reports. So yeah, there are a lot of bugs being reported in the forums. Go figure. The point is that the bugs are fixed very quickly. Lets see you email Bill Gates about a bug with the windows quick launch (or anything else for that matter) and have it fixed within a week. However, in order for Yuri to fix your bugs with TLB, he has to know what they are! That means you have to quit wasting everyone's time with these useless posts and tell us about even just one of the bugs you are supposedly having.
Junior Member

8 posts 3 threads Joined: Nov 2003
01-04-2004, 03:24 PM -
My Problem would be truelaunchbar crashes explorer this has happened in every one of the tlb versions which means that the problems dont get fixed in a week or so. Think that one over k thx. Tell bill gates i said thx for updating my windows........

122 posts 9 threads Joined: Jan 2003
01-05-2004, 12:12 AM -
Still, you're not even attempting to provide useful information. When does it crash? When you add it, when you shut down windows, when you do a particular action? It could be a conflict with another application, have you tried running it in a clean environment building up until it crashes?

Be as specific as possible, you can't expect Yuri to fix it if you just say "it crashes", that's like walking to a mechanic saying your car doesn't move forward when you step on some pedal...
Junior Member

30 posts 11 threads Joined: Jan 2004
01-15-2004, 05:23 PM -
While I agree the poster's attitude needs permanent adjustment, I can sympathize with the force creating it.

I've run the older TLB as a demo and decided to take the plunge and use all the features of the latest (beta) version.

I have to say my system's stability has been severely compromised in only a few hours of using it. Most issues revolve around Context Menu's not functioning, program launches followed by the new Window disappearing, URL clicking in IE not working.

There seems to be potential relationship with Outlook 2003 or maybe I shouldn't have turned on TLB in IE. Not enough consistancy yet to provide bug reproducing details, but definitely frustrating.

At least one pleasant change from Window Blinds (which I've paid for twice and stopped using twice) is TrueSoft is working to play well with others.

01-16-2004, 04:10 AM -
This [Google] wouldn't be you would it cammm14?

93 posts 13 threads Joined: Feb 2003
01-16-2004, 06:50 AM -
NetMage Wrote:There seems to be potential relationship with Outlook 2003 or maybe I shouldn't have turned on TLB in IE.
I use MS Office Suite (esp Outlook) 2003 without any problems (always latest TLB BETA).

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