Volume Control 2.1 - Reboot resets controls to previous state
Started by Raistlin

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Junior Member

10 posts 3 threads Joined: Sep 2003
01-25-2004, 01:58 AM -
I discovered that changes to volume levels made with Volume Control plugin 2.1 are not recovered after restarting the computer.
Example: I have Master Volume and Wave Volume at 70%, change them to 30% and reboot my PC. Then I look at controls and see 70% again.
Changes to volume level made with standard Volume Control program or native control panel from driver pack are recovered after rebooting.
I use TLB, WinXP SP1 and SB Live! 1024 with kX drivers (<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.kxproject.com">www.kxproject.com</a><!-- w -->).
Magically yours
Senior Member

407 posts 28 threads Joined: Dec 2002
01-25-2004, 04:52 AM -
Well... it seems the Volume Control plugin directly affects the Windows volume settings...

Just open the volume control of Windows and then move the plugin's sliders... you see the sliders in Windows' volume control move as well...

So this means there could be actually no difference between changing the volume through Windows' control and TLB's plugin... and on my laptop and desktop pc, that's indeed the case...
Windows 7, IE 9.0, Shell 6.0.6000.16386, TLB 4.2.3 beta

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