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I was wondering if it was possible to use the weather monitor to pull data from local files. I tried the <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="file://..">file://..</a><!-- m -->. syntax to no avail.
Basically, I was writing some VBS scripts to gather data from several different websites and put them in a format for a single weather monitor to use.
No, it isn't possible (yet!). If you have XP Pro, install Internet Information Server and run it off that.
Failing that, a quick Google on +free +windows +web +server +download has turned up a few good ones!
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Thanks for the info. I found a workaround using Proxomitron, which I already was running.
You've coaxed Proxomitron into serving local files? I can see how it could be done, but would you care to share this nugget of knowledge with your TLB brothers and Sisters?
I'm sure a lot of people would be interested, especially those that don't have the means to host a local web server!
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Sure thing.
First, make sure your weather monitor is using the Proxomitron proxy (localhost, port 8080).
Then, in the URL, put something like:
Which would load the file C:\LoadMe.txt
Note the vertical bar | after the drive letter, which replaces the :
I'm also starting to write a VB script (which I run in Samurize) to decode METAR data to get current weather conditions. This would allow things like day/night icons (based on sunrise/sunset data), trends for temperature, barometer, etc, windchill, heat index, and maybe some other goodies. I'll keep you guys updated.
Really great sounding works, BlueHeaven!
Am I correct in saying that this would solve the problems of having to use a lot of different providers for info? So, instead of using four different weather monitors because of 4 different providers, we could use one weather monitor that references the 4 providers. If this is so, that would greatly increase the ability of the weather monitor plugin.
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Well, yes and no. ???
I am not a very good VB script programmer so I am not sure how universally applicable my scripts are or how "user friendly" they can be made. I am also not sure if VB scripts can be run through the task manager or something like that so they run on a schedule (or if Yuri can add the ability to run VB scripts into the plugins). I use Samurize to run the scripts.
I've attached Samurize with TLB below. The moon in the TLB bar uses information fetched by Samurize. The information shown is from 5 different sources but is gathered with one VBS script which saves the info to files that are used for display by Samurize and TLB. Hope this makes sense.
BlueHeaven - Fantastic!
Can you please share the instructions on exactly how to add this? BTW - which sites are you parsing?
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I will put together a zip file with the Samurize VB Script, the Samurize config file and some instructions when I have time and upload it here.
As far as the weather sources:
Weather Alerts, Tomorrow, Almanac, Moon info, Air Quality forecast:
Weather Underground
Current weather/wind TLB plugins: XML feed (not part of the script yet)
RealFeel, UV Index:
Denver Air Pollution Control
UV Forecast and Air Quality Alert:
KMGH Weather Page (Local Denver Channel)
Respiratory Index and Pollen:
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Here are the files. Mainly for people who like to tweak around with code and such as it is very preliminary.
Since this was made for my needs it currently isn't very flexible, but if there is interest in something along these lines, I can work on making it more adaptable. It is just a starting point for now.
Is there any possiblity of incorporating VB script execution into TLB? That, along with allowing local files in the URL of the weather plugin would make this system work without the need for any other programs.
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BlueHeaven yes scripts can be run through the task manager as a schedule
Here is an example to set up a script to run at 15 minute intervals
Open the Task Scheduler and add the wscript.exe task:
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wscript.exe "C:\Program Files\TrueLaunchBar\Plugins\weathermon\scripts\weather.vbs"
Run As: your login; Enabled is checked
Schedule Tab - Schedule: Daily; Start: 1AM; Every: 1 days; Multiple: unchecked
Advanced Button - Repeat Task: checked, Every 15 minutes; Duration: 24 hours
Settings Tab - Stop the task if it runs for 1 hour; nothing else checked on Settings page.
Hope this helps
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Thanks PsychoPops! I got it to work as you said. I figured it was something simple.
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Right On ! Glad I could Help.
BlueHeaven Wrote:...I've attached Samurize with TLB below. The moon in the TLB bar uses information fetched by Samurize. The information shown is from 5 different sources but is gathered with one VBS script which saves the info to files that are used for display by Samurize and TLB. Aww - just found this out -