Menu Containing Items of a Menu
Started by cpriest

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19 posts 7 threads Joined: Aug 2012
10-30-2014, 03:30 AM -
I'm trying to create an amalgamation of items as a sub-menu.

The best way I can think of to describe this is a sub-menu that contains a filtered list of "items from a sub-menu."

The end result is I would have a sub-menu that contains the 10 most recently modified files from the desktop, followed by a separator, followed by all folders on the desktop, separator and finally a regular sub-menu of the desktop titled "Everything."

A bonus would be that "Everything" could be called "Everything Else," meaning everything not already shown in the menu above.

Is this possible? Any of these things possible?

Lastly a feature request, an apply button on the customize menu window?


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