About regular expressions. Is this realy necessary? All combination can be released using search functions:
*text equal
Ends with text
text* equal
starts with text
*text* equal
contains text
Quote:Any news about Mail monitor next version?
I plan release new version during this week

Here some new features that already done:
* MD5 APOP Authentication support
* No sound between X and Y hours
* An option to change the date/time format used for the Date column
* Automatic re-applying of filtering rules
* Color highlight of messages (text/background colors)
* Disable automatic checking
* Import/Export conditions/rules
* Option to view all messages from all accounts (also with filtering by smap, aproved, dangerouse)
* Resort accounts
* Save last values in add condition
* Save message as...
* Sort messages in the message list window
Now I'm working on quick reply and bouncing. Also I plan to include analyzer for possible viruses in messages