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How can I center the TLB Clock? When I create a new clock in the menu, no matter what skin I use, the clock itself, not the name is always positioned in the left side. Is there a way locate it in the center of the menu?
There is an option to "Center alignment" in the TLB Clock properties window. Is this what you mean? If not, could you maybe give us a screenshot to help us see what you are talking about?
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Here. The clock in my meny has to be alligned in the middle of the main menu, not in the left side as it is. And I can't get it to move anywhere!
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That is where i want the TLB Clock to be:
Thanks for screenshot. This is bug, it will be fixed in the next version.
Until Yuri releases the new version, you might be able to experiment with making a skin. I was feeling bored and geneous, so I started to make one for you based on the blue skin you're using, but I can't seem to figure out all the different settings in the ini file. Maybe Yuri could help us both out with that information?
Here you can find complete information about TLB Clock skinning:
If you have questions ask me
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Thnaks for your replies guys! There is something else I would like to know though. I have just started using True Launch Bar, so do you think i will be able to make a skin for myself? I have never made one so I am not exactly sure if I have enough experience and skill in skin making...
Well, now that Yuri has made it easier for me, I'd be happy to make a simple clock skin for you. Do you want it to look exactly like your screenshots (only centered), or is there something you'd like to change? Keep in mind this is only meant as a temporary fix until Yuri releases the new version (which usually doesn't take very long).
Just a little word about how I plan on doing the centering trick, though. Your menu now is about 150 pixels wide. I'm going to manually place the digits of the clock in the center of a 150 pixel wide transparent background. However, if your menu width changes, it won't be centered any more. As long as you don't remove anything from that menu or add anything wider than what's there, your menu width shouldn't change.
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Thanks for requesting to make a skin for me! The clock is perfect for me, I would just change the colors. Make it multicoloured, so it will look a bit odd. And also, will the clock skin work if I add some other meny, that is narrower than all others to the main one?
P.S.: My screen resolution is 1280 by 1024 pixels
What do you mean by multicolored? Like each number a different color, or each number have several different colors in it? And what colors? Primaries, pastels, dark, washed out, etc? The more specific you can be the closer I can get to what you want.
Here's the centered version of the skin you are using. It should look exactly the same, only centered. If you want to make changes to it (multi-colored, change title, format, etc), let me know. Because it uses a background, you can't change the title or format from the properties menu. Adding shorter menu items to the menu won't affect it, but longer items will make it look a little off-center.
To install, unzip the file to your TLB Clock's skins directory (the default path is C:\Program Files\TrueLaunchBar\Plugins\tlbclock\skins), then change the skin to "Centered Menu - Blue".
Remember that this is only a temporary fix until Yuri adds native suport for menu centering.
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Thanks for making the skin, great job! And I changed the colors in Macromedia Fireworks myself, so that every digit is differently colored, it adds exitement to the skin when the colors change instantly! Thanks once again! The scin you made inspided me to try to make my own skin! I'll post the current screnshot here, and my own skins as well (when I'll make them)
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Yuri, when do you think you will fix the center alignment problem?
Quote:Yuri, when do you think you will fix the center alignment problem?
version 1.4 released.