Are you saying to place this code in replace of the other code in skin.ini or in addition to it. If it is in addition where does it go in the file?
BTW - we already have all the names typed.
We can send a file of them if you can use it.
HMSS Q Section
QSection Wrote:Are you saying to place this code in replace of the other code in skin.ini or in addition to it. If it is in addition where does it go in the file? This is not a skin file, it is a provider file. It would require a little more thought, work and code to get it fully working.
QSection Wrote:BTW - we already have all the names typed.
We can send a file of them if you can use it. OK then, I'll email you my email address to send the pix to. I won't type it here to avoid the spammers getting it.
I tried setting up a Provider .ini using AWS and like it because it updates in realtime and is located closer to me than the Weatherground. It works well with Day and Evening icons, except for a few important things.
1) AWS in Long Island, NY starts using Evening icons in early afternoon. So now you have evening icons showing the moon by 3 PM. Just as bad as having sun icons in the evening.
2) Here's a problem that completely fouls up setting the Conditions in the Provider .ini file. Last night we had an "Important Message" advisory for a possible snow storm. And quess where they put that info. It is inserted right where the first weather icon goes which determines the weather condition and which icon to use. Therefore, by using this setup -
find0 = "
bbfi -
How about this:
find0 = "Forecast for"
find1 = alt="
delim = "
This is similar to what we are currently using courtesy of Yuri. Needs to be tried, though.
So are you saying you did not have an "Exclamation" icon in your icon folder? We can send you about 60 icons from the same source that are matching. We use them. Well...actually how often would one have "(night) Chance of Frozen Mix"? Perhaps in your area soon, hmm?
HMSS Q Section
Thanks for the offer of icons. Are these the ones that are from the AWS site or somewhere else? When I mentioned the "Exclamation" icon, I was referring to the problem that Weather Monitor would not show a weather icon or give a weather condition, but instead it would show the "Exclamation" icon and the condition would read "Important Message" instead of cloudy, snow, etc.
Instead of trying any more configurations now, I am going to wait for the next version of Weather Monitor. Hopefully, Yuri will fix some of these problems we're having with day/evening icons and case sensitivity.
Sounds good to us.
The icons are from AWS. You know....the Exclamation icon is not so bad. It will alert you to check the situation. Sometimes one might not pay attention to the WM all the time like us so seeing that big red ! might catch our eye. :0
HMSS Q Section
shapeshifter Wrote:That's great! I had no idea the skin.ini supported any sort of programming language. This opens up all sorts of possibilities! What language is that? They syntax looks a little like C++ or JavaScript, but the variable format doesn't look familiar. I agree. 
"%_CurrentTime_Hour_24%". Could anybody elaborate on this syntax?
Where was this variable found and what "language" is it?
I think it's MarkScript
I think it was just made up as an example, but now that I look at it again, it looks somewhat like a LiteStep system variable...
In Perfect Tools there is '_vCurrDate_Hour24'. I simplified it to make my example extra clear. It gives a number between 1 and 24, like the hour on a 24 hour clock.
Similarly, it allows '_vCurrDate_Day', '_vCurrTime_Second', '_vCurrDate_Month', etc.
The Perfect Tools (Keyboard, Mouse, etc) are really powerful and flexible way to get stuff done. They have macro commands to do everything and anything. However, the toolbar is nothing compared to True Launch Bar.
Sorry guys, I still don't get it. ???
Is this a "working" example?
if yes, how did you know you could use that kind of scripting?
Does it require "Perfect Tools" and how do you use it?
Quote:Sorry guys, I still don't get it.
Is this a "working" example?
No, it was just something Mark put together as a "wouldn't it be cool if..." example.
The programming doesn't work in True Launch Bar, it was a suggestion for the future. The idea was that adding such a language to Weather Monitor/True Launch Bar would allow for easy programming of really cool plugins.
Perfect Tools is completely unrelated and detached from True Launch Bar. You could run a Perfect Tools macro program from a shortcut in TLB, but only in the way you run any other program (Notepad, Word, Calculator, etc.)
thanks guys