Occasionally mail monitor isn't able to connect to my mailhost, which is shown by "Error: cannot find host" in the statusbar. However, using telnet or a mailreader, I am able to read my mail. Mail monitor starts working correct again when I delete the mailmonitor from TLB, restart Windows and recreate the account.
Is anyone aware of this problem too?
btw, I'm using WinXP Pro SP1 with all available fixes.
Kind regards,
WinXP Pro#5.1.2600.SP2 IE#7.0.5730.11 Shell#6.0.2900.3051
TLB#4.1.6 RC1 StartKiller#2.3
Add Or Remove Programs# Batch Run# CommandLine# Device Manager# NetMonitor# Service Manager# TurnOffComputer#
Ocassionally, I have a problem like this, but once I'm sure the mail server is up, I just right click the plugin and select "Check mail now" and everything seems to work fine again.
Hmm, that trick doesn't work for me. I really have to delete the mailmonitor from tlb, logoff and -on again and recreate the mailmonitor before it is working again
Kind regards,
WinXP Pro#5.1.2600.SP2 IE#7.0.5730.11 Shell#6.0.2900.3051
TLB#4.1.6 RC1 StartKiller#2.3
Add Or Remove Programs# Batch Run# CommandLine# Device Manager# NetMonitor# Service Manager# TurnOffComputer#
hmm  What is your connection type (dialup, LAN etc.)?
Do you have firewall or antivirus software?
Also you can try to increase the timeout value in the account properties.
I connect via LAN, using MS Proxy as firewall. I also have Symantec Antivirus Corporate 8.0 running. I'll try playing around with the timeout settings, but usually the error occurs after 2 or 3 seconds. What's the default timeout anyway?
Kind regards,
WinXP Pro#5.1.2600.SP2 IE#7.0.5730.11 Shell#6.0.2900.3051
TLB#4.1.6 RC1 StartKiller#2.3
Add Or Remove Programs# Batch Run# CommandLine# Device Manager# NetMonitor# Service Manager# TurnOffComputer#
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Joined: Apr 2003
i experience the same sort of thing but i also have the same account being checked through trillian and it too has the same error message so i am thinking that maybe its the host and not tlb
touki Wrote:so i am thinking that maybe its the host and not tlb Hi,
I don't agree with you. I'm sure it isn't the mailhost, because when using a regular mailreader or webmail, I'm able to read my mail.
Anyway, I'll start playing with the timeout from.
Kind regards,
WinXP Pro#5.1.2600.SP2 IE#7.0.5730.11 Shell#6.0.2900.3051
TLB#4.1.6 RC1 StartKiller#2.3
Add Or Remove Programs# Batch Run# CommandLine# Device Manager# NetMonitor# Service Manager# TurnOffComputer#
Pity, today I noticed that mailmonitor behaved the same. I've the timeout set to 20 seconds, but after only 3 seconds the message "cannot find host" appears...
The mailserver is available when using a 'normal' mailreader.
Any idea how to solve this? The timeout settings don't seem to have any influence here.
Kind regards,
WinXP Pro#5.1.2600.SP2 IE#7.0.5730.11 Shell#6.0.2900.3051
TLB#4.1.6 RC1 StartKiller#2.3
Add Or Remove Programs# Batch Run# CommandLine# Device Manager# NetMonitor# Service Manager# TurnOffComputer#
Maybe you installed/upgrading some of software or change some of system settings? I cannot reproduce this bug
Nope, I didn't change anything. Today the same thing happened. I suspect WinXP to be the reason of this behaviour, it seems that it happens only when logging in directly instead of waiting a few seconds. I will play around with some settings.
Kind regards,
WinXP Pro#5.1.2600.SP2 IE#7.0.5730.11 Shell#6.0.2900.3051
TLB#4.1.6 RC1 StartKiller#2.3
Add Or Remove Programs# Batch Run# CommandLine# Device Manager# NetMonitor# Service Manager# TurnOffComputer#
Check your machine. I can't confirm this.
Doug Smith Wrote:Check your machine. I can't confirm this. I've found a solution to timeout problems like mine :p . Basically it comes to a new feature in WinXP Professional called 'Fast Logon Optimization feature'.
When I disable this optimization feature using gpedit.msc, reboot my machine and login directly after the login screen appears, mail monitor immediately connects to the POP server! I notice a slight delay in booting WinXP, the screen with 'preparing network connections' is shown a bit longer but this is the expected behaviour.
Perhaps it is able to have MailMonitor being waiting until all network connections are ready? I've read some other report of WeatherMonitor, which also has a problem with some timeout. Maybe there is similarity in these problems. I don't recall the exact problem there and can't find the post either
Kind regards,
WinXP Pro#5.1.2600.SP2 IE#7.0.5730.11 Shell#6.0.2900.3051
TLB#4.1.6 RC1 StartKiller#2.3
Add Or Remove Programs# Batch Run# CommandLine# Device Manager# NetMonitor# Service Manager# TurnOffComputer#