it's working here fine (and there's already answer to your question yuri

shapeshifter, you have to copy it into 'components' subfolder
as for yuri:
it would be nice to:
- be able to control the scrolling title formatting
- be able to format the info box (multilined, for example bold font for fileds, normal for their names etc)
- add special actions to alt/ctrl/shift clicking (and possibly even middle button) media plugin's buttons
more about the last one:
in foobar2k 0.7, thre's for example plugin called playlist hooper, which can skip to next / previus album / artist / directory in the playlist, which is extremely useful. so it would be nice to assign for example middle button mouse click on next / previous buttons to perform those actions. it could be done by
1) adding config window to foobar remote plugin with editboxes / listedits to select menu item to perform (using that menu_manager::run_command('string' ) ; )
or 2) adding config window to foobar tlb plugin or directly to media plugin to select keyboard shortcuts or windows messages to send to foobar. it could be list with 'add' button, which would open dialog box where you could select type of the action (shortcut / message), it's name, it's parameters (depending on type), assign it to media player action (radiogroup of left / middle click, checkkbox grup with modifiers - ctrl / alt / shift, listbox with media plugin's button). that list would show action's name and its assigned media player action to easy orientation
i know it's a lot of work but it would be really great! what do you think?