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I would like to know whether I can use TLB as a favorites organizer? Host links and organize them just inside a folder in my TLB? That would be a nice Idea, I suppose. May be someone already discussed this possibility, but I looked through several forums, and couldn't find any clues. So can this be done with TLB, the product is just great!
OK, with absolutely no idea what version of Windows, True Launch Bar, and Web browser you're using, it's difficult to give you a specific answer.
It is possible using Internet Explorer, but NOT Netscape/Mozilla/FireFox/Whatever-its-called-this-week!
Actually, it's possible with ANY browser, as long as it's your default. It's just easier with the IE-based browsers.
But yes, for specific instructions, we'll need your system information, particularly OS and browser versions.
Must have been something I missed last time I played with FireFox! Does it create favourites in a folder now?
Back once again...
No, but you can easily create shortcuts to URLs and organize those in a TLB folder (it doesn't have to be a VIRTUAL folder).
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Oh, I'm really sorry. I'm working in Win XP Pro, and my truly favorite browser is IE, since being a developer I know what it can do in comparison with other ones. Ok, so is there a particular convenient algorithm as to how I can accomplish my task? Not creating *.url files manually?
create a Virtual Folder to wherever your favourites are stored and you can organize your favourites from TLB now
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Thanks! Trying... seems OK.
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That is just what I needed! Thank you!
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Is there any possibility to make all links open in a new browser window?
i don't think there is anyway to open everything in a folder at once
but you could create a seperator and enable the run all option
although you would have top create one for every folder or batch of shortcuts you wanted to have this option with
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I don't want to launch all links at the same time. I want them open in a new browser window. Can I do that?
What you want can be done with Avant Browser or MyIE2, which are both Internet Explorer-based browsers. However, Microsoft's Internet Explorer has been woefully devoid of truly useful features like this for quite some time.
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So if I install for instance MyIE the links will open in a new window?
No, but as MyIE has far superior favourites management than standard IE, you can do things like open all favourites in a folder, etc. from within the MyIE browser session.