folders Bugs in d&d and how to improve - better handling of folders
Started by cmishima

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18 posts in this topic
Senior Member

347 posts 138 threads Joined: Jun 2001
12-11-2001, 10:19 AM -
I make a Menu from a large directory (Example my documents – 93+ buttons)

+ I place this menu on my second True Launch Bar. Now I try to d&d from 2nd True Launch Bar to main True Launch Bar on the task bar. Left click d&d does not work. Right click make a shortcut does not work. Right click make a menu does not work. Only Copy and Move work. Instinctively I feel left click d&d *should* work as move. I am not sure about make a menu because it is a True Launch Bar specific task (no equivalent in WQL)

If auto popup menu is on and this large directory fills the screen vertically the bottom of the listing protrudes over the launch button and prevents any right click to access the context menu. If user wants to hide or delete they must turn off auto popup. This is a bug,

[Image: obscure.jpg]

I think several things must be done to improve True Launch Bar handling of folders.

Provide standard windows navigation within virtual folders. That is I should be able to select the return standard windows back arrow click up to the parent folder and continue up till I reach the Drives folder or even up to the desktop.

Provide a user definable way to LIMIT the number of buttons displayed in large directories before scrolling happens

Automatically add slider bars to the side of the folder when this user limit is reached.
<Nice pop up menu example>

[Image: navigation.jpg]
Please read the True Launch Bar FAQ (Frequently asked questions)
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Bob Freeman

104 posts 18 threads Joined: Aug 2001
12-11-2001, 03:53 PM -
Yes. Agree definitely with adding navigation abilty to TLB virtual folders. Very helpful.

Bob 'toolbar' Freeman

93 posts 19 threads Joined: Aug 2001
12-11-2001, 07:02 PM -
Like the ideas overall.

Save one... Do you really think the slider is necessary? When I scroll down a list too long to display, & hit the bottom/top of the list, TLB scrolls (quickly) on to the items that are off screen.

Slider seem so... well, ugly & inefficient. Smile

Just my 2¢

Eric J Johnson

193 posts 25 threads Joined: Jun 2001
12-11-2001, 07:13 PM -
Could this be a option maybe?, because I would not like it.. ;(
I do not try and store dir's and stuff it my TLB. I like to just keep my main programs at a fingers touch. This looks like it could make my TLB more complicated than I want it Smile
Like I read someone had a virtual folder for thier whole C drive? -=/
Eric J. Johnson|Proud American||OC-192! Members Get TrueLaunchBar @ OVER 50% Off!
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Senior Member

347 posts 138 threads Joined: Jun 2001
12-12-2001, 05:16 AM -
I think you misunderstand my suggestion.

Here is where the diffrence between a MENU FOLDER and VIRTUAL FOLDER is.

A menu folder has no need of navigation as it is only a collection of buttons so your request just to launch buttons is answered. I agree with that use.

I refer to virtual folders (my documents is my example) because sometimes I must navigate to the document I need to launch.

I see no reason why someone sould not make a virtual folder of C:. After all Window explorer does exactly that job. True Launch Bar could do the same job but better of course.

So I request consideration to add navigation to VIRUAL FOLDERS.
Please read the True Launch Bar FAQ (Frequently asked questions)
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Junior Member

45 posts 4 threads Joined: Dec 2001
12-12-2001, 07:44 AM -
I agree with you that it would be helpful to be able to limit the number of items in the menu, and turn on scrolling when the limit is reach. But I don't see why we need a slider bar. What is wrong with the current scrolling feature in TLB? It does work for virtual folders as well, on my system anyway.
Doug Smith

218 posts 21 threads Joined: Jul 2001
12-12-2001, 11:41 AM -
I vote for adding navigation to virtual folders. Slider or no slider I can see where being able to move around the diectories would be a great time save. Good idea.

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Junior Member

45 posts 4 threads Joined: Dec 2001
12-13-2001, 07:36 AM -
Re: cmishima

OK, now I see why you need a slider bar and special navigation functions - you want to use TLB as a file manager. Maybe that would be best as a plug-in? Could be nice.

220 posts 9 threads Joined: Jun 2001
12-13-2001, 06:31 PM -
OK, I'll make slider Smile And it will be optional.
Yuri Kobets
TrueSoft - Software for You
Senior Member

347 posts 138 threads Joined: Jun 2001
12-27-2001, 10:17 AM -
I am bumping this thread to review items still outstanding

<Not implemented in>

+ If auto popup menu is on and this large directory fills the screen vertically the bottom of the listing protrudes over the launch button and prevents any right click to access the context menu. If user wants to hide or delete they must turn off auto popup. This is a bug,

[Image: obscure.jpg]

+ Provide standard windows navigation within virtual folders. That is I should be able to select the return standard windows back arrow click up to the parent folder and continue up till I reach the Drives folder or even up to the desktop.

+ Provide a user definable way to LIMIT the number of buttons displayed in large directories before scrolling happens

+ Automatically add slider bars to the side of the folder when this user limit is reached.
<Nice pop up menu example>

[Image: navigation.jpg]
Please read the True Launch Bar FAQ (Frequently asked questions)
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220 posts 9 threads Joined: Jun 2001
12-28-2001, 05:01 PM -
The obscuring of True Launch Bar I connot reproduce still. This depends of font sizes, by my mind. I try to inspect code to solve this problem.
I'll make the slider and "LIMIT the number of buttons displayed" in one of the next versions.

But I want to say some words about navigation (see picture of Nice pop up menu example). True Launch Bar is based on popup, cascading menus. True Launch Bar can act as file manager, but it cannot replace completely usual file manager (like explorer). The best use TLB as file manager is for some folders, for example for favorites, MP3 collections etc. When I implement thumbnails it will be nice to for picture collections Wink.
It is possible to add navigation (I say about exploring the folder content in one menu) but is this very necessary?
On the other hand, the slider is very helpful feature for scrolling menu content.

Topic is opened. Somebody have the same or other opinion?
Yuri Kobets
TrueSoft - Software for You
Junior Member

49 posts 10 threads Joined: Dec 2001
12-28-2001, 05:51 PM -
Agree about folder's not necessary. If you're going to be up explorer. If you want quick access to files...use TLB.

93 posts 19 threads Joined: Aug 2001
12-31-2001, 10:21 AM -
My .02

I have good file managers (winbrowser, powerdesk etc.)

I'd prefer TLB stick to what it does best, quick access to & organization of the things I use most.

In my experience, apps that try to be all things to all people, lose focus & usefulness. Not to mention becoming more, rather than less difficult to use (for the non "power" user) as they get bigger.

Keep up the great work & the focus Yuri!

Doug Smith

218 posts 21 threads Joined: Jul 2001
12-31-2001, 11:07 AM -
Disagree with rich and jayzun - I want navigation within virtual folders instead of having to launch a separate file manager. Actually navigation is an extension of what TLB does anyway - it's a launcher. Navigation would eliminate the RUN command and the necessity to keep dragging new launch buttons to TLB.

I think you both are focusing too narrowly on what launch bars have been in the past. TLB is a new wave toolbar. Perhaps you can't appreciate how useful it would be without actually experiencing it.

It's Yuri's call if he wants to do it. It's his time and effort however 'nothing ventured - nothing gained'

Can’t we try it on a test basis. Let's not dismiss something without at least a small test.
Sue Hatfield
Junior Member

7 posts 3 threads Joined: Sep 2001
01-01-2002, 01:48 PM -
Vote yes for having navigation. I use tlb all day. Navigation is a very helpful new idea.

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