Another new idea for WM/Universal Data Fetcher is to have an icon on the TLB and upon clicking a large box would appear having current movie times from a certain cinema. There are cinemas which have pages with the data that are updated daily.
HMSS Q Section
Personally, I support any request which builds on the Weather Monitor idea. Saying that though, the focus of my enthusiasm is definately for one powerful single plugin.
It would be far preferable to watching version numbers shimmy seperately forwards for
moonmonitor | weathermonitor | cinemamonitor | fedexmonitor | versionmonitor | newsmonitor
or whatever comes along.
Do not forget trainschedulemonitor!
HMSS Q Section
Why wait? Already now it is possible  Just give me URL
Hello Yuri
This will be an example site for cinema times. On the page referenced below we would only like to see listings for Pacific Paseo Stadium 14.
By the way, any idea when Weather Monitor 1.3 with Day/Night icon switching will be available?
Thank you.
HMSS Q Section
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That site has one for the palm, but look at the conduit version for ideas.
I'm working on a movie times provider file for weather monitor. So far I have theatre name, date, and movies with showtimes for 5 movies (a total of 12 custom parameters). When I add a 13th paramater ([CustomParam12]), then hover my mouse over the plugin, explorer crashes. If I delete the find paramters, the delim paramater, or change the CustomParam number, it doesn't crash, but the 13th custom paramter does not show up on the tooltip or value window. WM1.2 is supposed to support unlimited custom parameters, but I can't get it to work with more than 12. Is this a bug?
My goal was to create a provider file with 50 custom paramaters because the biggest theatre I remember seeing had 24 screens (and typically had the same show on multiple screens).
Hello shapeshifter
Would you share the coding with us, please? BTW - if you like - also the url that you use so we can understand the coding better.
We know of a Mall in California that has two cinemas across the parking lot from each other. One has 30 screens and the other has 22 screens. (Ontario California)
Thank you
HMSS Q Section
Quote:WM1.2 is supposed to support unlimited custom parameters, but I can't get it to work with more than 12. Is this a bug?
Hmmm  thanks for bug report. This is restriction for size of tooltips in TLB. The whole size of text cannot be more then 1K. I'll try to remove this restriction in th next version of TLB. Also may be the useful feature of new Weather Monitor will be ability to remove some params from tooltips. If you make provider with 50 parameters there will be too big tooltip on whole screen :0
Here's what I've got so far. I'll call it version 1.0 since I can't really add anything else to it for now.
Copied from the ReadMe.txt file in the zip:
Quote:MovieMonitor provider and skin files for TLB's WeatherMonitor 1.2
Author: shapeshifter (<!-- e --><a href="mailto"></a><!-- e -->)
Provider / Skin Version: 1.0
Instructions: Unzip contents to your weathermon directory. Right click on
TLB, select "New", then "Weather Monitor". Enter the name desired for the
plugin (i.e. "Movie Monitor" - without the quotes). Chose the Movie Monitor
skin from the first drop-down list, and the provider file from the
second. Click the >> button next to the second drop-down list, and you will be
taken to for you to find your desired theatre.
code or city and state in this section. Note: Unfortunately, this page will not
work for theatres outside the US. If you know of a website that utilizes a
database of international theatres, please email me. Leave the "Theatre
Name" field blank for now, and click "Build List!". On the next page, find the
name of the theatre you would like to monitor showtime listings for, AND
NAME INTO THE THEATRE NAME FIELD, previously left blank. Make sure the
other fields are correct, then click "Build List!" again. This should take you to
a page with your desired theatre and its showtime listings. Copy this page's
URL and paste it into Weather Monitor's URL field. I recommend going to the
"Connection & Units tab, and changing the plugin's default "On click"
behavior to "Show Weather Details". With this seting in affect, clicking on the
plugin will bring up a small dialog box showing the current theatre's name,
date, and movies with showtimes for the first 5 movies, instead of having to
load your web browser. Due to a Windows limitation, only the first 5 movies
will appear in the tooltip or dialog box. You can right click on the plugin and
select "Open Web Page" to bring up the theatre's web page (and complete
showtime listings) in your default web browser.
Yuri: the total number of desired custom paramters just grew to 62
It works well for us also. Brilliant work. Do you know a way to keep tooltips up longer? Now if we could only add more showtimes/movies.
Any ideas what TLB should look like if there are 6 cinemas near us? That would be about 50 screens more or less.
HMSS Q Section
You might try this icon also in place of the one you supplied.
HMSS Q Section
Quote:Do you know a way to keep tooltips up longer?
Nope. Sorry. That's why I recommended changing the default "On click" action in my previous post and in the readme file.
Quote:Any ideas what TLB should look like if there are 6 cinemas near us? That would be about 50 screens more or less.
I'd recommend a different MovieMonitor for each theatre. Each would still be limited to 5 movies/showtimes though because of the tooltip size cap.
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Joined: Dec 2002
Off topic, but I like the picture under your name shapeshifter.
Quote:Off topic, but I like the picture under your name shapeshifter.
Thank you!