12-04-2003, 01:49 PM -
The next version of TLB will support advanced tips (look attached screenshots). Also some options for tips will be added:
* times of opening and closing of tips
* transparency in Windows XP
To make the tips like on Opera (see screenshot) you need to write indescription:
As you see new tips supports simple HTML tags. Also some of plugins will be updated to support new tips. So the next will be BIG UPDATE.
Also new major features:
* The stretch options for overlay images
* Installing skins directly from ZIP file into proper folder (I have many questions about installing skins. In the next version TLB will install any skin automatically. And for plugins also
Your comments?
Edited By Yuri Kobets on Dec. 04 2003 at 14:50
* times of opening and closing of tips
* transparency in Windows XP
To make the tips like on Opera (see screenshot) you need to write indescription:
The fastest Internet browser over earth
CTRL+W<t>New Window<t>always
CTRL+C<t>Copy Text<t>always
CTRL+V<t>Paste Text<t>always
<i>This is the test of string</i>
CTRL+V<t>Paste Text<t>always
CTRL+V<t>Paste Text<t>always
Also new major features:
* The stretch options for overlay images
* Installing skins directly from ZIP file into proper folder (I have many questions about installing skins. In the next version TLB will install any skin automatically. And for plugins also

Your comments?

Edited By Yuri Kobets on Dec. 04 2003 at 14:50