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Hi all,
I'm pretty computer savvy, but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to create my main menu with more than one column. I can't figure out how to access the Customize Menu dialog. I can't find it anywhere. The help menu says to "open the menu to be customized" and then right-click on any item of that menu in order to customize the menu.
After I installed True Launch Bar, it recognized all the programs I had listed in my Windows XP standard Quick Launch Bar. Is this the menu that I can now customize? Or do I have to create a different kind of menu in order to access the customization feature with the right-click method?
Please help. Thanks very much.
Quote:After I installed True Launch Bar, it recognized all the programs I had listed in my Windows XP standard Quick Launch Bar. Is this the menu that I can now customize? Or do I have to create a different kind of menu in order to access the customization feature with the right-click method?
No, this is not the menu, that's the toolbar itself.
You can create your own menu's by right-clicking anywhere on this toolbar, and choose New --> Menu. You can then drag shortcuts into this new menu...
In order to change the menu's appearance, open it and right-click on the title bar. There you can change the View (for example to 'Multicolumn text menu') or open the Customize menu... window.
Windows 7, IE 9.0, Shell 6.0.6000.16386, TLB 4.2.3 beta
Right clicking on the menu, and selecting VIEW, doesn't give you a Mulit-column choice..............it merely gives you icon size and text......
Open a menu; then right click on a menu item.........
Find CUSTOMIZE menu, (You may have to scroll down).....
Select Customize menu..............
THEN SELECT VIEW..............and one of the options is "multi-column"
To the right of this selection is a box that allows you to select the Number of columns........
Bye the way.........the current version 3.24 of TLB has a menu bug that
Yuri is aware of ...................It may lose it's multi-column memory periodically...............
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Joined: Apr 2005
Ah, I see. In other words, the original "menu" list that TLB creates from my original Windows XP Quick Launch menu is actually considered to be a toolbar and there is no way to create multiple columns on that list. I have to, instead, create a menu item -- which is kind of a "sub-menu" to my original list -- and on that new menu I can create multiple columns. I was able to do that. Then I told TLB to sort by name and the new menu icon shows up on my TaskBar at the bottom of the screen, which I like.
Here's another question. Can I use any .jpg image as a overlay image background on this new menu list? I tried to browse to a .jpg image on my hard drive, but it seems to be looking for a PNG file. What is a PNG file and can I convert a .jpg into a png file?
Thanks for the help. Much appreciated!
Yes......overlays must be png files.......there's a lot of programs out there that'll convert jpg to png.......I believe I used Paint shop Pro....
Quote:Ah, I see. In other words, the original "menu" list that TLB creates from my original Windows XP Quick Launch menu is actually considered to be a toolbar and there is no way to create multiple columns on that list.
Are we talking about the same thing now? Let's just call the root-list the "toolbar" and all sub-lists a "menu", like this:
And then I wonder, how do you imagine a multi-column toolbar looks like?
Windows 7, IE 9.0, Shell 6.0.6000.16386, TLB 4.2.3 beta
I believe we are talking about a multi-column MENU..................
Junior Member

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Joined: Apr 2005
Before I installed TLB, my Quick Launch menu looked like the #1 below. The background of the menu is white. I'm calling this a "menu," even though I think it's considered to be a toolbar. After I installed TLB, I saw a listings of programs (with a green background that I added, all in one column) as in #2 below. This was my first TLB menu or toolbar. I was *not* able to make this column into 3 columns UNTIL I added a menu item to this green list, and then had that menu item show up in the TaskBar at the bottom of the screen when I reordered the order of the listings by name. I changed the icon for this new TLB menu item into a multi-colored beach ball, which you can see in the picture below (#3). As you can see, I customized that menu into 3 columns.
Does all this make sense, or is there some procedure I'm missing to make it all go easier? I now have my "beachball" menu with 3 columns, but I've also still got the green one-column menu that TLB created when first installed.
Aaah, that explains! The extender (of the toolbar  ) that you see is actually provided by Windows, and I believe cannot be controlled by TLB...
And anyway, you shouldn't even have to *use* that extender: the idea of TLB is to categorize shortcuts into their own menu's and get rid of the extender... Besides, these TLB menu's can be fine-tuned in appearance and behaviour, as you already found out
Windows 7, IE 9.0, Shell 6.0.6000.16386, TLB 4.2.3 beta