it isn't working for me either
- don't know why, i'm on winxp, using proxy for default internet connection, but it shows ok in ie ...
- going to test it with proxy disabled ...
- maybe it could be time out or something
- it would be nice to have some kind of debug info ... like txt output with info about requested html file, result of that request etc ...
- and one more thing ... is it able to parse that wunderground page with non english language selected? because i've set it to show czech language ... but i tried url started with english.wunderground ... and it's still not working
- so i tested it with proxy in internet connection disabled ... it worked then, but as i have set wunderground to show stats in centigrades, the plugin show centigrade stats as fahrenheit and vice versa. it seems that wunderground store that info in cookie or something, and your plugin gets info in metric units but thinks it's in british ones. so i would suggest a bit more powerful parsing - trying to get the actual units from page
- as for proxy, i have no idea why it doesn't work with proxy enabled. i've disabled proxy for * and it works, but of course it would be better to make it work even with proxy
- i've made modified wunderground.ini with metric units as default, it's easy to customize that, thank yuri!

but it would be still nice if you could add unit autodetection, though it's not that important. now the only problematic thing is the proxy ...
- i've been thinking ... it would be nice if you could show name of the weather plugin instance in the tooltip. example ... when inserting weather plugin on toolbar, i would name it 'Brno', which is the city i live in. then i can add another one for city my parents are in and when hovering mouse over them, i would get those names in the tooltip, instead of name of provider - so i would know for which city is this forecast
- add edit box with something like 'variable'. that variable would get expanded in search patterns ('find*=' patterns) so i could make provider ini for providers, which lists more than one city on one page (most of czech providers :-\ ). so in case i would like to get city 'Jihlava' from page with forecasts for highland region, i would type 'Jihlava' in that box ... and part of the ini file would have something like find0 = "%s%"; find1 = "<b>" ... and that %s% would expand into 'Jihlava'. what do you think? it shouldn't be hard to add that
thanx yuri! i hope this helps you a bit